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Important Thanksgiving Safety Tips Offered by Urgent Care Centers

Thanksgiving is a time where families gather, enjoying food and lively conversation. So many activities go on during this time, from football games with the cousins to holiday baking with the parents. Make sure everyone has a good time by keeping these safety tips in mind.

Ouch, My Back!

It may sound silly to stretch before Thanksgiving, because after all, it’s not a sport. You’re probably just watching sports on television. Stretching is important, however, because it prevents back and neck injuries. Make it a fun activity, getting all the family members involved. Put some music on to get everyone in the mood.

Thanksgiving Safety Tips

To make the most out of your stretches, focus on all of the major muscle groups. Don’t go too fast, either. Take deep breathes in and out through every exercise and make sure you hold your stretches for several minutes. You’ll then be ready for some Thanksgiving fun and laughter.

Turkey Troubles

A lot of Thanksgiving accidents happen because of the turkey. Deep frying a turkey, in particular, poses some risks because of the hot oil. It could catch on fire and even explode. That’s why you need to take extreme caution when prepping and cooking the turkey.

Your first priority should be to safely thaw the turkey. Let it thaw in a sink filled with cold water. Don’t let it sit out in room temperature for longer than two hours. As raw meat could cause bacteria to spread, wash your hands each time you handle the turkey. Now here comes the tricky part: cooking it.

After putting the completely thawed turkey in the oven, confirm that there aren’t any excessive oils in the pan that could catch on fire. You’ll also want to use a food thermometer to make sure the meat has cooked all the way through.

Help is on the Way

Sometimes even the best laid plans go awry on this special day. Whatever may happen, be it a back injury or sprained foot, urgent care in Berkeley is standing by if needed. Their knowledge and fast methods can get you back to feeling great again. They have the resources to treat burns, sprains, and broken bones in the more severe cases.

Your Thanksgiving should be special, and you can make it so with a little extra caution. Urgent care in Berkeley, CA, such as U.S. HealthWorks, can help in case you need treatment quickly.

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